Taylor´s Vintage Port 2003



Taylor`si legendaarne Vintage Port on valmistatud tootja Vargellase, Terra Feita ja Junco veinimajade parimatest viinamarjadest. See on pikaealine, väärikas ja klassikaline Taylori Port. Nautige kohe või säilitage keldris veel pikki aastaid.

96/100p Wine Advocate: The 2003 Vintage Port is a field blend aged for approximately 21 months in oak vats. It comes in with 93 grams of residual sugar. This oldie will be rereleased soon. As much as the Fladgate Group´s 2003 oldies in this report all have bragging points, this is Taylor´s, and the structure takes the lead for all of them. Still a wee bit tight, this is far younger than the Croft, not fully mature or at peak and classic Taylor´s. The remaining tannins support the fruit perfectly, but nothing to me is better here than the flavor profile. This is a fine Taylor´s, still with plenty of room to evolve and improve. It could actually use a few more years, not to tame the tannins, but to acquire more maturity. Of the three (including Croft and Fonseca), this is the winner, but the Fonseca shows better today and the Croft seems to be at peak. So, cellar this a bit more and drink the others now.

1692. aastal asutatud Taylorit peetakse Vintage Port`ide tootmisel eeskujuks. Veinimajale kuulub kolm viinamarjaistandust (Quinta) Douro orus: Vargellas, Terra Feita ja Junco. Aasta-aastalt hindavad maailma kriitikud Taylori portveine kõrgelt. Wine Advocate on viimase 12 aasta jooksul andnud Taylor’s Vintage Port 94-100/100p.

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